Traveling Bookstore Cat

Tag: Mouse Adventure (page 2 of 2)

Army Heritage Center: WWII Obstacle Course

On this adventure, Mouse explored the Army Heritage Center’s WWII Obstacle Course. A similar course was used with soldiers to built their strength, both mentally and physically.

The types of obstacles the soldiers completed ranged in what they required. Mouse walked around the whole thing.

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Army Heritage Center: WWI

Mouse visited a portion of the Army Heritage Center. It’s located in Carlisle, PA. It was founded in 1999 with the mission being:

To support the development and expansion of the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC), and its programs, and to sustain and enhance the Center’s and the Foundation’s ability to inform and educate the American public on contributions by Soldiers and the U.S. Army to our nation’s history.

Army Heritage Center
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